The accessibility of chromatin is a prerequisite for regulatory elements in a cell to carry out their role in gene regulation in a dynamic and cell type-specific manner. Various methods have been developed to investigate the accessibility of chromatin. Initially, techniques were developed for an entirety of cells (“bulk”), but with technological progress, methods were also developed to determine the accessibility of chromatin at the single-cell level. One of the popular techniques to measure chromatin accessibility at single-cell resolution is scATAC-seq. While the resulting data holds promising insights for unraveling the heterogeneity that bulk measurements cannot capture, annotating cell types in scATAC-seq data remains a challenging task. Current methods typically translate the accessibility of a gene to its expression levels and rely on methods developed for scRNA-seq data for cell-type annotation. Given that gene expression is regulated in a highly complex manner, this assumption may not always hold true and does not fully exploit the unique characteristics of the scATAC-seq modality. In this thesis, we developed a novel method for cell-type annotation in scATAC-seq datasets that we call scATAcat. Our method leverages a large number of characterized bulk ATAC-seq data to annotate scATAC-seq data without relying on biological assumptions. When compared to existing methods across various datasets, scATAcat demonstrates better or comparable performance. Although the main focus of this thesis is on cell-type annotation in scATAC-seq data, we also discuss and provide a comprehensive guide to other challenges in scATAC-seq data analysis.
Weniger anzeigenThe present volume is the systematic analysis of the chronostratigraphic occupational sequence and spatial organization of the Lower Town South excavation sample of the third millennium BCE at Tell Leilan, northeastern Syria. Tell Leilan is located along the wadi Jarrah on the Khabur Plains where 440 mm annual precipitation can generate extensive cereal agricultural surpluses. The deployment of these surpluses assisted Leilan’s swift growth from a fifteen hectare town to a ninety hectare city at ca 2700 BCE, when the city was known as Shekhna, and its subsequent reorganization as the regional capital, Shubat Enlil, at the post-collapse Amorite resettlement of the region in the early 19th century BCE. Tell Leilan was investigated between 1978 and 2008 by the Yale University Tell Leilan Project with seven seasons of excavation designed to sample the topographically distinct Acropolis and Lower Town, and four seasons of the Leilan Region Survey across 1650 square kilometers, north to south from the Turkish to the Iraqi frontiers. The Tell Leilan occupational sequence spanned the mid-fifth millennium to the 19th century BCE, while the Leilan Region Survey quantified settlement from the early Neolithic to the Islamic periods. The Lower Town South excavation exposed six hundred square meters of third millennium residential occupation on each side of a planned street. The general stratigraphic sequence and organization of the area was published in Weiss 1990, with 15 radiocarbon dates in Weiss et al. 1993, and a schematic doctoral dissertation in Senior 1998. The present doctoral thesis refines and finalizes the chronostratigraphic history of the Leilan Lower Town South: 1) the analysis and description of the stratigraphy and architecture of the 600 m2 area based on the excavation field notes, stratigraphic sections, topographic plans, and the excavation’s photographic record; 2) the generation of 24 new cereal grain radiocarbon dates, flotation-retrieved during the 1989 excavations, with OxCal calibration and modelling, using a total of 38 Lower Town South radiocarbon dates; 3) the analysis of the stratigraphically retrieved ceramic assemblages, ca. 2100 diagnostic sherds and profiles, to produce a new typology and a quantified ceramic chronology. The resulting relative and absolute sequence spans 500 years, from ca. 2700 to 2200/2150 cal. BCE, and provides detailed correlations with the contemporary occupations on the Leilan Acropolis and the northern City Gate, with their ceramic assemblage sequences and their radiocarbon dates. The Tell Leilan Lower Town radiocarbon-dated occupations, LTS/domestic-workshop, Acropolis/public-official and City Gate/administrative, show that different ceramic types’ distributions are not always chronological but can also be functional/social. The chronology of occupational transformations at Tell Leilan during the 3rd millennium, from initial occupation to terminal abandonment, defined here in six stages, is reflected in Khabur Plains regional settlement history that is now enhanced in detail.
Weniger anzeigenFreshwater ecosystems are highly biodiverse and provide essential ecosystem services, yet they are highly endangered, with approximately one in three freshwater species at risk of extinction due to human activity. Among other taxa, aquatic insects are a significant component of freshwater biodiversity. Their immense intrinsic value derives from their status as the most diverse taxonomic group of animals, encompassing high richness of species and traits and occupying numerous positions within food webs. Because of their different sensitivities to water pollution, they are widely used as bioindicators of ecosystem health. However, delineating the global distributions of aquatic insects has been hindered by the limited availability of species occurrence data and the lack of scalable hydrographic data processing tools that would allow assessing their environmental preferences and mapping their populations. This thesis suggests a novel, open-science approach to assess and map global freshwater biod- iversity at a high spatial resolution, with an emphasis on aquatic insects. My research aims were threefold: i) to create a comprehensive, standardised global dataset of aquatic insect occurrences, ii) to develop intuitive tools for complex hydrographic data processing and provide reproducible workflow examples, and iii) to explore the spatial patterns of ecological niche breadths of aquatic insects at the global scale. Therefore, the thesis is divided into three parts. First, I compiled the Global EPTO Database by standardising 50 datasets of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Odonata georeferenced occurrences at the genus level and attributing them with additional environmental and topographic information. I mapped the global distributions of aquatic insect genera, revealing biodiversity hotspots and knowledge gaps across the different regions of the world. Second, I co-lead the development of the ’hydrographr’ R-package, a tool that enables large-scale freshwater-specific longitudinal connectivity and network analyses, as well as the processing of numerous types of spatial data. Further, I created reproducible workflows of case studies that involve species distribution modelling and network distance and connectivity ana- lyses, aiming to facilitate the use of the package by freshwater ecologists. Third, I explored the large-scale spatial patterns in the ecological niche breadth of aquatic insects using worldwide occurrence records from the Global EPTO Database. The study showed that spatial patterns of assemblage niche breadth are likely shaped by evolutionary origins and dispersal history of EPTO, challenging the common assumption that niches are consistently narrower in species-rich tropical regions. Overall, this thesis represents a valuable contribution to spatial freshwater biodiversity science by providing the first comprehensive and standardised global dataset of aquatic insect occurrences, intuitive tools for complex hydrographic data processing, and novel insights into the spatial patterns of ecological niche breadth of aquatic insects at the global scale. All three outcomes are of high importance in freshwater ecological research, not only by tackling knowledge gaps on global aquatic insect biodiversity distributions, but also by suggesting an integrative approach that can be applied to other freshwater taxa.
Weniger anzeigenZoonoses are infectious diseases caused e.g. by bacteria and can be transmitted from animals to humans through direct contact, vectors such as mosquitoes or contaminated food. Poultry meat is an important source of transmission for zoonotic bacteria, with Campylobacter and Salmonella being the most common. This poses considerable challenges for food safety, also in view of the fact that poultry consumption will increase worldwide in the future, with Germany being one of the leading producers in the EU. Microbial contamination of poultry meat with Campylobacter or Salmonella can come from various sources, including the environment, live birds and processing plants. Effective risk minimization strategies, monitoring and intervention methods are crucial to ensure the safety of poultry meat. Given the high economic and health burden of campylobacteriosis in the EU, strategies have already been introduced to control Campylobacter along the poultry value chain, e.g. in the form of contamination limits or HACCP concepts. Nevertheless, contaminated meat still finds its way onto the market. Current control strategies need to be reviewed and adapted based on new data. Implementing additional measures at different stages of production can help to minimize the risks associated with bacterial pathogens. Measures may include hygiene practices during slaughtering, logistical slaughter planning and decontamination treatments. Faster, new detection methods can improve the assessment of contamination levels compared to conventional standards as well. The aim of this work was to assess the current state of bacterial contamination in broiler slaughtering and meat storage and to investigate physical decontamination procedures during processing and different detection methods for Campylobacter and Salmonella. In this study, the quantitative contamination of Campylobacter, E. coli and mesophilic bacteria during the broiler slaughter process was analyzed in three large German slaughterhouses. Campylobacter counts on the chicken carcasses decreased from after killing until after chilling, but increased briefly after evisceration before decreasing again until the final processing step. Scalding, plucking, evisceration and chilling were identified as the key processing steps. This trend is consistent with international studies, although the contamination rate for Campylobacter at the end of processing was lower at around 1.6 log10 CFU/ml compared to 2.2 log10 CFU/ml of international studies. Furthermore, the effects of different physical treatments on Campylobacter and Salmonella along the primary broiler processing were analyzed. Recontamination after evisceration and hygiene after the chilling process were identified as intervention points based on the quantitative data analysis of the three German abattoirs. Hot water treatment (20, 70, 75, 80 °C/ 20, 30, 40 s) and cold air treatment with the SafeChill(TM) process (-80 °C, -90 °C/ 20 s, 30 s, 40 s) were carried out in a pilot plant or under industrial conditions, respectively. Hot water treatments resulted in a significant reduction in Campylobacter and Salmonella concentrations of around 1 log10 CFU/ml, with longer and hotter treatments leading to a slightly greater effect. With regard to the sensory appearance, the optimum temperature and exposure time was identified at 70 °C and 30 s treatment. Immersion in room-temperature water alone did not lead to a reduction in pathogens, but did have an effect on the native bacteria (E. coli and TCC). Exposure to -90 °C cold air led to a reduction in Campylobacter concentration of approximately 0.35 to 0.5 log10 CFU/ml, with the duration of exposure having no significant effect on the result. These measures provide a fundament for further investigation in larger trials and may help to reduce the final contamination rate of carcasses after initial processing and thus improve food safety. Finally, we investigated how different packaging methods affect the number of Campylobacter, Salmonella and E. coli on chicken breast meat. The meat was inoculated with these pathogens, then packaged under modified atmosphere (MAP) or vacuum and stored at different temperatures. 4 °C was selected as the maximum permitted storage temperature and 10 °C as the temperature at which the cold chain was not adequately maintained. The results showed that MAP led to a reduction in the number of Campylobacter compared to vacuum packaging. No significant changes in bacterial counts were observed for Salmonella and E. coli. Native bacteria multiplied faster when stored at 10 °C than at 4 °C, which emphasizes the importance of a continuous cold chain in order to keep poultry meat safe for as long as possible. Detection limits, sample size, detection methods and sample types can affect the comparability of studies and data. The standardized detection method for Campylobacter is the microbial method according to the ISO standard. However, microbiological analyses are associated with uncertainties, especially under stress conditions such as oxygen or heat, which can affect the detection of e.g. Campylobacter. The PMA v-qPCR method can distinguish between live and dead cells and includes an internal sample process control (ISPC) to monitor dead cells and DNA loss. When using this v-qPCR method in the heat treatment and storage experiments, we found inconsistencies between the cultural enumeration and the v-qPCR method for Campylobacter. These results suggest that the processing and storage conditions may induce stress and viable but not culturable (VBNC) states in pathogens, which may affect detection results. To compare the quantitative results of different sample types, whole carcass rinse samples (WCR) were compared with neck skin samples. Higher bacterial counts were found on the neck skin after chilling, whereas the WCRs had better recovery rates for mesophilic bacteria and E. coli before chilling. It can be surmised that the neck skin samples are better suited for detecting bacteria in deeper skin layers, while the WCR can represent the entire surface contamination and fresh recontamination. Both methods provided valuable information on surface contamination and can be used to evaluate measures. Despite the introduction of strict control measures, bacteria such as Campylobacter and Salmonella are still widespread and pose a significant risk to human health. In order to improve hygiene standards in the context of microbiological contamination, it is necessary to establish continuous microbiological testing along the process chain alongside the process hygiene criterium (PHC) and thus improve the monitoring of zoonotic pathogens. The most important processing steps can be further improved through effective decontamination methods such as heat or cold treatments. Current storage conditions primarily extend shelf life but offer only limited decontamination. It is also crucial for food safety that the consumer is made aware of the correct handling of the product. In addition, innovative detection methods, such as v-qPCR, can improve risk assessment to ensure the safety of poultry meat under the One Health umbrella.
Weniger anzeigenIn order to transition to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future, a change in power generation is necessary. Reducing CO2 output is a crucial factor to combat climate change. A major contributor to CO2 emissions is the generation of electricity, mainly from coal and lignite combustion, emitting billions of tons of CO2 every year. Additionally, coal and lignite are fossil fuels and therefore are not replenishable in human time frames. One solution to this problem is firing existing power plants with biomass as a substitute. This has the advantage of both being a renewable energy source and significantly reducing CO2 emissions. However, the use of biomass can cause issues within the reactor by corroding the super heater tubes. This phenomenon occurs due to the chemical differences between biomass and coal, as well as the composition of super heater tubes, which were engineered to withstand coal combustion, not biomass combustion. During the firing of biomass, salt deposits form on the surface of the steel, quickly corroding the underlying metal. This hinders the efficiency and lifetime of super heater tubes, requiring replacement and causing excessive costs.
In this work, model alloys, designed after commercially utilized steels, are investigated in varying environmental conditions. One ferritic alloy (Fe-13Cr, similar to X20 steel) and two ferritic-austenitic alloys(Fe-18Cr-12Ni (similar to TP347H), Fe-25Cr-20Ni (similar to HR3C)) are exposed to experimental temperatures of 560°C. The corrosion attack is investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) to determine the structure and elemental distribution of both alloy and the forming scale. Phase composition of the scale is determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD), and thermodynamic boundary conditions are calculated using FactSage.
A common phenomenon observed in biomass combustion is the formation of KCl deposits. Therefore the effect of KCl deposits on steel corrosion is investigated in chapter 2. For these experiments steels are tested in a SO2 bearing atmosphere with and without KCl deposits. Steels without KCl show good corrosion resistance in the form of a thin Cr2O3 layer. Samples with KCl deposits show a multilayered scale comprised of metal sulfides and oxides. The alloy composition also shows a large impact, with higher alloyed steels showing stronger Cr depletion and Ni bearing samples exhibiting large internal corrosion for samples with KCl.
The third chapter studies the initial growth (5h) of the scale in samples with and without KCl coating using synchrotron radiation. The initial formation of the scale is important, since some phases only exist for a short time before reacting further. This allows for a better understanding of the corrosion mechanism and how KCl impacts the scale growth. The impact of alloy composition and different microstructure of the alloys was studied. Samples without KCl coating showed a protective scale of Cr2O3 throughout the experimental length. All samples coated with KCl showed a weight gain about one order of magnitude higher than their non-coated counterpart. This increase in weight gain is linked to the higher proportion of formed Fe-oxides and higher Fe/Cr ratios in mixed (Fe,Cr)2O3. The coated samples also show a large Cr depletion towards the surface for highly alloyed samples. This prevents the formation of new Cr2O3 after possible spallation events. The results show that KCl is detrimental for all sampled steels and that highly alloyed Ni bearing steels aren't beneficial in this kind of environment, with Fe-13Cr performing the best.
The fourth chapter studies the impact of humidity on the corrosion behavior in biomass fired power plants. To simulate the impact, Fe-18Cr-12Ni, with KCl deposits, is exposed at 560°C in either laboratory air or SO2. In each atmosphere one experiment is performed under dry conditions while a second one is conducted under humid conditions. This variation in humidity represents both the possible range of humidity from different biomass sources as well as the possibility of influencing the humidity artificially by drying the biomass. In dry lab air the sample showed about double the weight gain and porosity when compared to humid air. In SO2 bearing atmosphere the difference is even more pronounced. The dry sample showed a scale width about one order of magnitude larger than the humid counterpart. Additionally, the dry sample showed internal corrosion, which wasn't observed in the humid sample. The better performance of Fe-18Cr-12Ni is linked to the chlorine compounds found in this environment. H2O allows for the formation of HCl, instead of Cl2, which has a lower reaction rate with steels. When SO2 is present, the H2O facilitates the formation of K2SO4, which together with Cr2O3 form a protective layer preventing further scale growth. These results show that artificial drying is counterproductive for biomass combustion and significantly accelerates the corrosion attack.
Weniger anzeigenThe genus Chlamydia comprises eleven pathogenic species, including the human specific, sexually transmitted pathogen C. trachomatis and the zoonotic pathogen C. psittaci, that causes lung infections. During their intracellular development, Chlamydia exist in two distinct forms, the infectious elementary bodies (EBs) and the metabolizing and replicating reticulate bodies (RBs). Intracellular development initiates with the invasion of EBs, which differentiate to RBs inside of a membrane-bound compartment, the chlamydial inclusion. RBs abuse host cellular metabolites to replicate. After redifferentiation to EBs, they egress from the host to start a new round of infection. Two chlamydial egress forms were described in the past: Lytic egress and Chlamydia-specific, non-lytic extrusion formation. In the first part of this study, the intracellular development of C. psittaci in HeLa cells was investigated. It was shown that EB to RB differentiation was completed at 12 hours post infection (h pi) and RB replication initiates. At 24 h pi, RB redifferentiation to EB started and at 34 h pi, similar amounts of EBs, RBs and intermediate forms were present in the inclusion. Starting at 42 h pi, most of the bacteria were in EB form and the infectivity reached a maximum, suggesting to perform egress studies at this time point. In the following part of this study, it was shown that C. psittaci uses a previously not characterized egress pathway, the formation of Chlamydia-containing spheres (CCS). CCS formation is a sequential process starting with proteolytic cleavage of an Aspartate-Glutamate-Valine-Aspartate (DEVD) tetrapeptide-containing substrate that can be detected inside of the chlamydial inclusions, followed by an increase in the intracellular calcium concentration of the infected epithelial cell. Subsequently, blebbing of the plasma membrane begins, the inclusion membrane destabilizes and the proteolytic cleavage of a DEVD-containing substrate increases rapidly within the whole infected cell. Finally, infected, blebbing cells detach and leave the monolayer thereby forming CCS. CCS contain infectious progeny and morphologically impaired cellular organelles and are surrounded by a phosphatidyl serine exposing membrane with specific barrier functions for TrypanRed or SYTOX Green. Interestingly, no extrusion formation was observed for C. psittaci infections, while CCS formation was the predominating egress type. In addition, CCS formation was also observed for C. trachomatis. Next, investigations about the inclusion membrane stabilization during intracellular development mediated by the human ceramide transport protein CERT and about the inclusion membrane destabilization during CCS formation were realized. It was shown that CERT is recruited to the bacterial inclusion during intracellular development, while at late infection timepoints before CCS formation, this recruitment was not observed. An early lack of CERT at the inclusion membrane drove the formation of premature CCS containing non-infectious bacteria. Finally, the lipidome of C. psittaci-infected HeLa cells during intracellular development and before host cell egress was investigated. It was shown that both, during intracellular development and during egress, increased concentration of phospholipid species with saturated, odd chain fatty acids were found, suggesting that they are a general characteristic of chlamydial infection. Before egress, the amount of specific phospholipids species comprising shorter fatty acids was increased, suggesting that they are a specific characteristic of late infections. Taken together, this study shows that egress by CCS formation is a relevant part of the chlamydial developmental cycle. CCS formation depends on both, bacterial and host cellular factors, as a putative bacterial DEVD-cleaving protease and a CERT-recruiting factor or as the ceramide transporter CERT, calcium signaling and lipid metabolism, respectively. The zoonic pathogen C. psittaci and the human-specific pathogen C. trachomatis apply different egress strategies with CCS formation being the predominant egress pathway of C. psittaci. This suggests that the different biology of the different Chlamydia spp. including host tropism, protection from host cell defense mechanisms or bacterial pathogenicity could possibly be linked to different egress strategies.
Weniger anzeigenThis dissertation consists of four chapters that contribute to the literature on gender and labor economics. More specifically, this dissertation contributes to exploring the role of women as corporate leaders in the labor market and in firms, examining the causes and consequences of women's (under)representation in management, and understanding the interaction of these factors with gender stereotypes. Chapter 2 documents the underrepresentation of women as leaders of German companies by presenting data from the DIW Women Executives Barometer, the most comprehensive data collection on women's representation on supervisory and executive boards in Germany, which was recently made available for scientific research. The data shows that, despite progress in recent years, women remain underrepresented on both supervisory and executive boards in Germany, with shares ranging from 33 to 38 percent on supervisory boards and 14 to 23 percent on executive boards of the largest publicly listed companies as of the end of 2023. Women's representation is even lower among chairs of executive or supervisory boards of these companies, with values below 10 percent in all groups assessed. The DIW Women Executives Barometer is then used as a data source for further work in Chapter 3.
Chapter 3 examines how women and men on German company boards are portrayed in the media and explores the relationship between this coverage and gender stereotypes. By providing initial evidence on gender differences and stereotypes in newspaper coverage of board members through quantitative text analysis of more than 45,000 newspaper articles, this chapter expands our understanding of stereotypes as barriers to women’s career advancement and shaping public perception of female leaders through media coverage. In regularized regressions, terms related to family and social interaction predict articles about women, while terms related to power and competition, as well as to failure, scandals, and adversity, predict articles about men. An association of women with family and men with careers is further shown using the term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf) and word embeddings. Additionally, agentic language depicting male stereotypes like success-orientation is more prevalent for men, while communal language related to female stereotypes like caregiving is more associated with women. Economists' view of gender stereotypes as a form of statistical discrimination suggests that stereotypes in the portrayal of female managers in newspapers should decrease over time as more women attain board positions and information asymmetries about their characteristics diminish. However, I find no clear-cut changes in newspaper coverage in the analyzed articles over the period from 2010 to 2022. Further, in the context of statistical discrimination, gender differences in newspaper coverage would arise if they correctly reflect gender differences in aggregate distributions of managers' characteristics. I assess demographics and previously unanalyzed psychological traits of managers from representative data of the German population, finding that female managers are less likely to be married or have children than male managers. There is no evidence for gender gaps in agency among managers. Thus, the stereotyped representation of board members in newspapers to a large extent does not seem to reflect aggregate distributions of characteristics of women and men in these positions, providing little support for an explanation based on statistical discrimination.
Chapter 4 then asks to what extent gender stereotypes in newspaper coverage of company board members affect perception and economic decision-making of newspaper readers. Taking the result from Chapter 3 that more family-related language is used in newspaper articles on female than male company leaders as a starting point, we assess this question in a randomized online experiment. We show participants articles consisting of elements from real newspaper coverage on a real company and its CEO, varying whether and how information about their family is presented. We then ask participants incentivized questions on their perception of the CEO's competence (measured by expected `survival' in the firm and their rating by employees on Glassdoor), the firm's performance on the stock market, and to make a decision on an investment in the firm. We find that expected firm performance substantially differs by CEO gender with participants being less likely to believe in better stock performance in the year after compared to the year before CEO appointment for female CEOs. Although expected stock performance does not differ by CEO coverage, investments in the firm's stock are significantly lower for female CEOs when their family is neutrally mentioned. However, highlighting the successful management of family and career as a trade-off for female CEOs does not result in less favorable investment decisions. The treatment effects are most pronounced for female respondents and parents. Further, we find that women expect female CEOs to be rated worse by their employees, in particular for the treatment highlighting a trade-off between family and career, while male participants perceive an employee bonus for female CEOs in the trade-off treatment compared to female CEOs without a family mention. There is no effect of stereotypical coverage on CEO `survival' over a two or five year horizon. Through quantitative analyses of free-text questions, we find that considerations about family and gender play a role in respondents' reasoning.
Finally, Chapter 5 focuses on spillover effects of female leadership by assessing the causal impact of women's representation in management on labor market outcomes of their direct subordinates on the establishment level. We investigate the influence of women's representation in first- and second-level management on the gender pay gap among employees in German establishments. To this end, we estimate a panel model with establishment fixed effects and industry-specific time dummies based on Linked-Employer-Employee data from the years 2004 to 2018. Our results show that a higher share of women in management significantly reduces the gender pay gap within the establishment. An increase in the share of women in first-level management from zero to above 33 percent decreases the adjusted gender pay gap from a baseline of 15 percent by 1.2 percentage points, i.e. to roughly 14 percent. The effect is stronger for women in second-level compared to first-level management, indicating that female managers with closer interactions with their subordinates have a higher impact on the gender pay gap than women on higher management levels. Notably, the results are very similar for East and West Germany, despite the lower gender pay gap and more gender-egalitarian social norms in East Germany. From a policy perspective, our findings suggest that increasing the presence of women in management positions has the potential to reduce the gender pay gap to some extent. However, further policy measures will be necessary to fully close the gender gap in pay.
Weniger anzeigenEisen ist ein essenzielles Spurenelement für Mensch und Tier. Neben der wichtigen Rolle in Transport- und Funktionsproteinen (Hämoglobin und Myoglobin) kommt Eisen zudem eine entscheidende Rolle in enzymatischen Prozessen sowie bei der Bildung von Zytochromen zu. Durch die potenzielle Bildung von reaktiven Sauerstoffradikalen hat Eisen im Stoffwechsel ein toxisches Potential, welches durch die Kontrolle von Aufnahme, Speicherung, Transport, Verteilung und Ausscheidung gezielt reguliert wird. Der Eisenmangel in Form der Eisenmangelanämie steht beim Kalb im Vordergrund. Adulte Rinder zeigen auf Grund von ubiquitär vorkommenden Eisen im Boden, des im Vergleich zum Bedarf ausreichenden Eisengehalts im Futter sowie eines geringen Eisenbedarfs keine primäre Unterversorgung. Vielmehr kommt es häufig zur Eisenüberversorgung. Ursächlich hierfür ist ein hoher Eisengehalt im Futter. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Eisenstoffwechsel von Milchkühen. Zunächst wurde der Eisengehalt von Einzelfuttermitteln und der Gesamtration (TMR) zur Beurteilung der nutritiven Eisenversorgungslage der Milchkuhherden ausgewertet. Danach wurden die Eisenkonzentrationen in verschiedenen diagnostischen Probenmedien (Kot, Blutserum, Blutplasma, Vollblut, Harn, Haare) sowie die Parameter des roten Blutbilds (Hämatokrit, Hämoglobinkonzentration, Erythrozytenzahl), Zusammenhänge zwischen und Einflussfaktoren auf (Untersuchungsjahr, Jahreszeit, Bundesland, Laktationsgruppe) den Eisengehalt in diesen Medien statistisch analysiert. Als Ziel sollten Empfehlungen zur diagnostischen Beurteilung der nutritiven und der metabolischen Eisenversorgungslage von Milchkühen herausgearbeitet werden. Zur Auswertung lagen drei Datensätze vor. Sie wurden im Rahmen der Bestandsbetreuung der Klinik für Klauentiere der Freien Universität Berlin erhoben. Der Probenzeitraum erstreckte sich von 1996 bis 2020. Die Eisenkonzentration wurde in Einzelfuttermittelproben (n = 5263), TMR-Proben (n = 2129), Kotproben (n = 600), Blutserumproben (n = 5990), Blutplasmaproben (n = 1597), Vollblutproben (n = 989), Harnproben (n = 2052), Haarproben (n = 698) mit zertifizierten Methoden analysiert. Zusätzlich wurde in Vollblutproben (n = 5927) der Hämatokrit, der Hämoglobingehalt und die Erythrozytenzahl gemessen. Die Entnahme der Kot-, Blut-, Harn- und Haarproben erfolgte nach einem spezifischen Stichprobenverfahren mit dem Gruppierungsmerkmal Laktationsstatus (frühe Trockenstehperiode = 8 bis 3 Wochen a.p., Vorbereitungsperiode = 3 bis 0 Wochen a.p., 0 bis 1 Woche p.p., 0 bis 5 Wochen p.p., 3 bis 5 Wochen p.p., 15 bis 18 Wochen p.p.). In Abhängigkeit von der Herdengröße wurden vier oder fünf Gruppen pro Bestand beprobt. Analysiert wurden gepoolte Proben von je 10 Kühen pro Gruppe und somit entsprechen die Einzelwerte in den Datensätzen den Mittelwerten der Untersuchungsgruppen. Mit Hilfe des Programms IBM® SPSS Statistics, Version 29.0 wurde mit den Standardverfahren für alle Untersuchungsgrößen die deskriptive Statistik durchgeführt. Die analytische Statistik bezieht Korrelations-, Regressions- und Varianzanalysen ein. Die Kalkulation der Referenzwerte basiert auf dem nichtparametrischen Verfahren über die Berechnung der 2,5-97,5-Interperzentilbereiche. Der Eisengehalt in den analysierten Futtermitteln variierte über den weiten Bereich von 10 bis 36952 mg/kg TS (Median 276 mg/kg TS). In den für die Rationszusammenstellung wichtigen Futtermittelgruppen betrugen die 2,5-97,5-Interperzentilbereiche der Eisenkonzentrationen für Silagen 50 bis 1137 mg/kg TS, Stroh 24 bis 834 mg/kg TS, Getreide 26 bis 902 mg/kg TS, Proteinfuttermittel 53 bis 704 mg/kg TS und für Mineralstoffgemische 575 bis 24792 mg/TS. Grassilagen enthielten eine hohe (Median 415 mg/TS, 2,5%-97,5%-Bereich 125 bis 1561 mg/kg TS), Maissilagen eine moderate (Median 75 mg/kg TS, 2,5%-97,5%-Bereich 40 bis 243 mg/kg TS) Eisenkonzentration. Für die Futterrationsberechnung sind für mengenmäßig relevante Futtermittel nicht Tabellenwerte, sondern die korrekt analysierten Eisenkonzen-trationen heranzuziehen. Eine Eisenergänzung über das Mineralstoffgemisch ist obsolet. In keiner der 2129 TMR-Proben wurde eine Eisenunterversorgung (Bedarf 50 bis 100 mg/kg TS) festgestellt, nur in zwei (= 0,1%) der TMR-Proben lag der Eisengehalt zwischen 50 bis 100 mg/kg TS. Milchkuhrationen sind durch eine Eisenüberversorgung (99,9% der TMR-Pro-ben) gekennzeichnet. Ab einem Eisengehalt von 250 mg/kg TS beginnen negative Effekte der Eisenüberversorgung auf die Tiergesundheit (iron stress). Dieser Wert ist in der praktischen Rationsgestaltung schwer einzuhalten. Als Kompromiss sollte über die gezielte Futtermittel-auswahl die Eisenkonzentration in der Gesamtration unter 400 mg/kg TS bleiben. 687 (= 32%) der TMR-Proben überschritten diesen Grenzwert. Das unterstreicht die Bedeutung der regelmäßigen Überwachung der Eisenversorgung von Milchkuhherden im Rahmen der veterinärmedizinischen Bestandsbetreuung. Die TMR-Analyse kann als Methode der Wahl zur Beurteilung und Kontrolle der nutritiven Eisenversorgungslage empfohlen werden. Neben dem Eisen aus den Einzelfuttermitteln werden auch sekundäre Eiseneinträge (Erd- und Schmutzeintrag aus der Umwelt, Eisenablösungen von technischen Geräten wie dem Mischwagen) erfasst. Alternativ geben Kotanalysen Auskunft zur nutritiven Eisenversorgungslage, wobei zusätzlich zur TMR-Analyse auch die Eisenaufnahme über das Trinkwasser und aus dem Belecken von Gegenständen und dem Fressen von Erde gemessen wird. Zwischen der Eisenkonzentration in TMR- und Kotproben bestand ein hoch signifikanter linearer Zusammenhang (r = 0,667, b = 2,24, n = 544). Blutserum ist ein laboranalytisches Untersuchungsmedium zur Beurteilung der kurzfristigen (Tage) metabolischen Eisenversorgungslage und der Verwendung von Blutplasma und Vollblut vorzuziehen. Allerdings wird die Blutserumeisenkonzentration von verschiedenen Einflussfaktoren signifikant verändert. Ein starker Faktor ist die Untersuchungsgruppe, die den Laktationszeit-punkt repräsentiert. In den ersten 5 Laktationswochen sinken die Eisenkonzentrationen im 7.Zusammenfassung 112 Blutserum (Blutplasma, Vollblut) signifikant als Reaktion auf infektiöse und entzündliche Prozesse. Blutserumproben zur Beurteilung der metabolischen Eisenversorgungslage sind im Zeitraum ab 15 Wochen p.p. bis zur Trockenstehperiode zu entnehmen. Ein vom Laktationsstatus unabhängiger Parameter zur Beurteilung der mittelfristigen (Wochen bis Monate) metabolischen Versorgungslage ist die Eisenkonzentration im Erythrozyten (im Hämatokrit, im Hämoglobin). Dieser neue Parameter bedarf der weiteren wissenschaftlichen Bearbeitung. Das trifft auch für die Eisenkonzentration im Harn zu. Die Ergebnisse sprechen für die Möglichkeit der aussagekräftigen Wiedergabe der metabolischen Eisenüberversor-gung. Der Haaranalyse kommt in der Beurteilung der Eisenversorgung keine Bedeutung zu. Abschließend wurden Referenzbereiche unter Berücksichtigung des Einflusses der Laktationsgruppen kalkuliert.
Weniger anzeigenIn dieser Arbeit wird ein proteoliposomaler membranspannungssensitiver Assay mittels biophysikalischer Methoden entwickelt, charakterisiert und angewendet. Dieser Assay ermöglicht die direkte Untersuchung der Membranpotentialentwicklung von membranständigen Ionenpumpen, wie der Cytochrom-c-Oxidase. Dazu wurden einige Fluoreszenzaufbauten neu konzipiert, um diese Methoden anwenden zu können. Zur molekularen Charakterisierung des Assays wurde ein geeigneter membranständiger Spannungssensor identifiziert, hier Varianten von Archaerhodopsin-3 aus Archaebakterien. Der Mechanismus, der die Abhängigkeit der Spannungssensitivität und der Fluoreszenzänderung bewirkt, wurde mittels Absorption- und Fluoreszenztechniken untersucht. Nach Auswahl einer geeigneten Variante, Archon 1, wurde dieses Protein in Bakterien und Proteoliposomen mittels (zeitaufgelöster) Fluoreszenztechniken weiterführend charakterisiert. Anschließend wurde sein Einbau und seine Funktionsweise mittels Fluoreszenzlebenszeitmikroskopie und totaler interner Reflektion Fluoreszenzmikroskopie (TIRF) im proteoliposomalen Assay untersucht, und der Mechanismus der Signalweiterleitung anhand von zwei Punktmutationen weiter untersucht. Dabei konnte der Mechanismus als statisches Quenching identifiziert werden, wahrscheinlich bedingt durch benachbarte Tryptophane. Als zu untersuchendes spannungsgenerierendes System diente die Cytochrom-c-Oxidase aus Paracoccus denitrificans. Vor der Verwendung im liposomalen Assay wurde der Einbau in Liposomen analysiert und charakterisiert. Hierzu wurde ein alternierendes Laseranregungssystem aufgebaut, um Einzelmolekül-FRET zu etablieren. Basierend auf diesen Untersuchungen konnte der Assay genutzt werden, um den Aufbau der Membranspannung durch den Protonentransport der Cytochrom-c-Oxidase zu untersuchen. Die initiale Aufnahme eines Elektrons von Cytochrom-c und der Elektronenweiterleitung an das aktive Zentrum der Cytochrom-c-Oxidase wurde mittels zeitaufgelöster Absorptionsspektroskopie untersucht. Hierfür wurde der Spektroskopie-Aufbau durch ein neues Anregungssystem und einer Erweiterung der Software verbessert, um das schwache Elektronensignal am Häm a der Cytochrom-c-Oxidase zu registrieren. Der Assay wird auf Varianten der Cytochrom-c-Oxidase angewendet, um mögliche Einwirkungen auf Protonenaufnahme und -abgabe zu untersuchen. Die Mutationsstellen dieser Varianten befinden sich an der Oberfläche der Cytochrom-c-Oxidase. Die Untersuchung von einigen Varianten zeigen ein verändertes Membranpotential im Vergleich zum Wildtyp. Ebenso wird die direkte Interaktion von Doxorubicin, einem Krebsmedikament das auch Veränderungen in der zellulären Atmungskette hervorruft, mit Cytochrom-c-Oxidase zum ersten Mal identifiziert. Ich konnte hierbei die Veränderung der generierten Membranspannung bedingt durch Mutationen und Inhibitor zeigen und mögliche zugrunde liegende Mechanismen der Funktionalität aufzeigen.
Weniger anzeigenQualitative Forschung hat eine lange Tradition in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften und wurde lange in der medizinischen Forschung wenig beachtet. In den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten erfolgte ein Wandel, so erlebt qualitative Forschung und Mixed Methods Research nun zunehmende Aufmerksamkeit auch in der medizinischen Forschung. So können kausale Zusammenhänge durch quantitative Methoden und subjektorientiertes, praxisnahes Verstehen durch qualitative Methoden gleichermaßen erfasst werden.
Diese Habilitationsschrift hat zum Ziel qualitative Forschung in konventioneller und Integrativer Medizin mit der Bedeutung des Persönlichen, Individuellen und Interaktiven darzulegen. Darüber hinaus zielt sie darauf ab, die Bedeutung von Mixed Methods Research mit ihrer Vielfältigkeit der Erkenntnisse durch die Anwendung von verschiedenen Forschungsmethoden und ihren unterschiedlichen Perspektiven vorzustellen. In dieser Schrift wurden zwei qualitative Projekte und zwei Projekte im Mixed Methods Design vorgestellt und diskutiert. Dabei wurden verschiedene qualitative Methoden (Einzelinterviews, Gruppendiskussionen in Form von World Café und Fokusgruppen und teilnehmende Beobachtung) allein, in Kombination im Within Methods-Ansatz oder in einem Mixed Methods Design, also unter Anwendung von qualitativen und quantitativen Methoden, genutzt. Alle vorgestellten Projekte fokussieren sich dabei vor allem auf Auswirkungen sowie Erleben von Therapieangeboten und Einstellung.
Das erste Projekt ergab die Bedeutung der Lebenserfahrung von Senior*innen als mögliche Ressource in der Gesundheitsversorgung. Das zweite Projekt zeigte Schmerzlinderung bei Patient*innen mit chronischen Schmerzen durch eine Berührungsbehandlung, sowie Entspannung, Wohlbefinden und verbesserte therapeutische Beziehungen bei Patient*innen und Pflegekräften. Das dritte Projekt berichtete von positiv erlebten Auswirkungen auf Psyche und Körper von Akupunktur während der Chemotherapie bei Brustkrebs und der Bedeutung von Coping-Strategien zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität. Und das vierte Projekt wies auf eine positive Bewertung von Nutzer*innen und Akteur*innen einer psychosozialen Beratungsstelle hin, insbesondere Stärkung psychosozialer Ressourcen und zur Krisenintervention.
Zusammenfassend kann festgestellt werden, dass in allen Studien die Bedeutung der Beziehungen, der Einfluss der eigenen Einstellung auf Krankheitserleben und -bewältigung und der Wunsch als Mensch in seiner Gesamtheit gesehen zu werden eruiert wurde. Insbesondere zur Untersuchung von komplementären und Integrativen Therapien und im psychosozialen Bereich sind qualitative Methoden besonders gut geeignet, da sie die Effekte komplexer Therapieverfahren gut darstellen. Studien im Mixed Methods Design ermöglichen einen vertieften und erweiterten Erkenntnisgewinn durch die Anwendung multiperspektivischer Methoden. Qualitative Forschung und Mixed Methods Research stellen daher eine Bereicherung im medizinischen Wissenschaftsdiskurs dar.
Weniger anzeigenKardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen stellen die weltweit führende Todesursache dar, weshalb ihrer Früherkennung eine übergeordnete Rolle zukommt. In dieser kumulativen Habilitationsschrift wurde experimentell untersucht, wie sich verschiedene Pathologien in ihren Frühphasen auf die Deformationseigenschaften ("Strain") des linken Ventrikels auswirken, und wie dies für diagnostische Zwecke genutzt werden könnte. Am Beispiel von Subendokardfibrose, Adipositas-Kardiomyopathie und Anthrazyklin-induzierter Kardiotoxizität wurden verschiedene Mechanismen identifiziert, die zu einer eingeschränkten linksventrikulären Myokarddeformation führen. Dabei wurde insbesondere der Stellenwert des longitudinalen Strains als sensitiver Parameter mit diagnostischem Potenzial in der Früherkennung kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen herausgearbeitet.
Weniger anzeigenThe notion of modeling complex physical systems using randomness goes back to the beginnings of statistical mechanics. Since then, randomized physical systems have been a subject of study from many-body physics to quantum information. In this thesis, we will examine random quantum systems in different contexts.
To start, we discuss the emergence of equilibrium statistical mechanics in isolated quantum systems, more specifically, the phenomena of equilibration and thermalization. How these two very common and intuitive phenomena arise from unitary evolution is a riddle that, despite intense research, is not as of yet fully solved. We will argue that while it is hard to derive this phenomenology from the microscopic description of a specific physical system, such phenomena are \emph{typical}, in the sense that they occur in the vast majority of physical systems, and under some assumptions their absence is sensitive to small, hard to detect changes in the underlying Hamiltonian.
We will then move on to systems which seem to avoid thermalization by retaining memory of their initial conditions due to a phenomenon known as many-body localization. Most systems known to exhibit such a behavior are so called disordered systems, described by an ensemble of Hamiltonians in which certain couplings are drawn randomly. We will discuss the notion of local integrals of motion in many-body localized systems and describe a method to measure their properties by observing the spread of entanglement in the system. Following this, we will more closely examine the role of randomness and disorder in the emergence of many-body localization by examining the local integral of motions of disorder-free systems which appear to resist thermalization.
Finally, we will discuss how randomizing a quantum system can allow one to extract information about its state. More specifically, we describe an algorithm which interpolates between two known extreme schemes, one allowing to capture only local properties, and the other only globally, and show that this intermediate version is able to perform efficiently in both regimes.
Weniger anzeigenTo successfully interact with the environment, humans must robustly encode sensory inputs into neural representations and translate these representations into adaptive behavior. In this thesis, I conducted three empirical studies targeting particular neural mechanisms entailed in this transition from sensory inputs to perceptual decisions. In Study 1, I probed the robustness of core visual processing mechanisms by characterizing and comparing the neural dynamics of object recognition for natural photographs and abstracted line drawings. This revealed that core visual processing mechanisms in the brain are robust to the abstraction of substantial amounts of visual information, such as in line drawings. In Study 2, I investigated the influence of feedback processing on object representations by comparing the neural dynamics of object recognition for stimuli that were either rapidly followed by a masking stimulus or followed only after a substantial delay. This revealed that feedback processing fundamentally shapes visual representations in the brain, first in early than in high-level visual cortex. Feedback enhances the persistence of visual representations, causes a shift in the representational format in high-level visual cortex, and affects distinct spectro-temporal windows in the theta to beta frequency bands. Finally, in Study 3, I examined the link between neural representations of real-world scenes and behavior under varying task demands. The findings showed that distinct visual representations in the brain are behaviorally relevant depending on the task, that mid-level visual features underlie these behaviorally relevant representations, and that visual representations can interfere with behavior given task demands that do not align with the represented information. By demonstrating the robustness of core visual processing mechanisms to visual abstractions and by characterizing how feedback processing dynamically shapes visual processing, the findings in Study 1 and 2 provide complimentary insights into the neural mechanisms that enable robust encoding of visual information. By identifying and characterizing visual representations relevant for behavior across different task demands, Study 3 provides novel insights into the translation of sensory information into perceptual decisions. Collectively, these results contribute to a large body of research on visual recognition and perceptual decision making, provide potential new theoretical frameworks for understanding the underlying mechanisms, and guide the way for future research that directly tests and refines these theories.
Weniger anzeigenLabor markets and individual decisions are highly interrelated. This dissertation analyzes important intersections between the two. Its four chapters are based on large, mostly admin- istrative micro data. The last three chapters apply innovative quasi-experimental methods, while the first chapter provides a descriptive analysis.
The first chapter describes recent immigration patterns in Germany, particularly from the EU. It introduces an innovative imputation method to identify recent labor market immigrants. This allows us to the inspect in detail who are the immigrants, who stay in Germany and who are those that leave Germany again. We show that the labor market success in Germany plays an important role.
The second chapter inspects the effects of this recent EU immigration on the German labor market. EU Eastern Enlargement elicited a rise in (temporary) labor market oriented immi- gration to Germany starting in May 2011. Taking into account that not all immigrants stay permanently and that outmigration flows are selective, this paper classifies recent EU im- migrants into “new arrivals” and “stayers” drawing on administrative social security data (2007-2019). This novel strategy allows us to separately identify their potentially opposing short- and medium-run effects on labor market outcomes in Germany. We find a transitory negative wage effect among German nationals at the bottom of the wage distribution; and a permanent positive effect on (full-time) employment.
In the third chapter, I investigate employment differences within couples and use German administrative data as well as survey data. Gender gaps in employment have narrowed but remain substantial, particularly among couples. To estimate how improved female wage op- portunities influence partners’ employment choices, I exploit demand-driven wage changes in job tasks and German administrative data. Results indicate women respond positively, al- beit at a diminishing rate, to relative wage improvements, while male partners also increase their labor supply in response. Consequently, the work hours gap within couples narrows, but doesn’t close and even widens in certain groups. Potential explanations for these patterns building on Becker’s household model include comparative advantages for women, and rel- ative income preferences and gender identity norms for men.
The last chapter, looks at a family policy in Denmark and uses administrative data of the full population. It examines Denmarks 1984 parental leave reform, among the first to grant fathers paid leave. Using a regression discontinuity design, we find that introducing shared parental leave mainly increased mothers leave, with modest paternal uptake. Adding two weeks of earmarked leave for fathers significantly raised their participation without reducing mothers leave. Fathers who took leave once were more likely to do so again. However, we find no evidence of intergenerational effects on the affected childrens fertility or parental leave behavior.
Weniger anzeigenPhotosystems I and II (PSI, PSII) are two large protein complexes that are part of the electron transport chain of oxygenic photosynthesis in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. The activity of these photosystems is indispensable in oxygenic photosynthesis, the process that powers life on Earth by converting solar energy into chemical energy. PSII harbors the light-driven water splitting process, which results in the removal of four protons and four electrons from two water molecules. This process is coupled to the release of molecular oxygen (O2) and is thus also referred to as photosynthetic oxygen evolution or oxygen evolution reaction (OER); it is responsible for creating the oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere. The OER cycle of PSII (S-state cycle) involves four successive photon absorption events, which lead to the stepwise accumulation of four oxidation equivalents at the catalytic site, a protein-bound Mn4CaOx cluster, prior to O2 formation. In contrast, the PSI reactions can be discussed as a one-photon process: upon absorption, charge separation takes place and the electron is transported down one of two paths (the A- or B-branch), finally reducing the mobile electron carrier ferredoxin. In both photosystems, the light-induced processes are still insufficiently understood regarding the temporal sequence of atomistic events.
The focus of this thesis is the investigation of the S-state transitions in PSII by means of time-resolved single-frequency infrared (TRSF-IR) spectroscopy in the wavenumber range from 1800 cm–1 to 1300 cm–1. Measurements on spinach PSII membrane particles in H2O, D2O and at several different pH values allowed for the characterization of the kinetics of three S-state transitions (S1→S2, S2→S3 and S3→S0). Global analysis of time-resolved spectral data sets resulted in decay-associated spectra (DAS), which are essentially spectral fingerprints of individual kinetic phases. The DAS of the proton transfer (PT) and electron transfer (ET) phases of the O2-producing S3→S0 transition mostly reproduced the results of a previous step-scan Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) study (Greife et al., 2023), but also managed to resolve a crucial deuteration-induced band shift, which was left undetected by the FTIR study.
Global analysis of a data set on a spinach PSII sample depleted of its Mn4CaOx cluster resulted in DAS that showed great similarity to previously reported FTIR spectra of two PSII co-factors (QA and P680). Double difference spectra of intact minus Mn depleted PSII revealed that certain spectral regions are likely to be more strongly affected by a high fraction of broken PSII centers than others.
The comparative analysis of spinach PSII membranes to PSII core particles from Thermosynechococcus vestitus BP-1 (T. vestitus) and Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 revealed that while at some wavenumbers the IR difference transients are very similar to each other, they differ drastically at others. It was found that the likely source of this observation is a differing amount of broken PSII centers in the different samples. Measurements of T. vestitus in D2O revealed similar kinetic isotope effects as observed for spinach PSII. PSII from Synechocystis carrying either the D1-N298A or the D1-D61A mutation was investigated and compared to wild-type PSII. While the monophasic O2-producing ET step of the S3→S0 transition was found to be drastically slowed in D1-D61A, it was found to be biphasic in D1-N298A. We assign the two observed kinetic phases to (i) O2-evolution occurring at a similar rate as in wildtype PSII and (ii) strongly decelerated substrate water insertion into the Mn4CaOx cluster, which in wild-type PSII occurs faster than the rate-limiting step and is therefore usually not spectroscopically detectable.
Measurements on three PSI wild-type variants allowed for the first ever IR spectroscopic observation of ET down the A- and B-branch at room temperature. Global analysis of the nanosecond kinetics resulted in DAS of forward ET down the A-branch. All in all, TRSF-IR measurements allowed for the kinetic and spectral characterization of various PSII and PSI samples, resulting in a small contribution toward a full understanding of the molecular mechanisms of oxygenic photosynthesis.
Weniger anzeigenHintergrund: Nach einem Schlaganfall zählt Depression zu der häufigsten neuropsychiatrischen Komplikation. In der Gesamtbevölkerung ist C-reaktives Protein als Prädiktor für eine Depression etabliert. Hier wollen wir untersuchen, ob hochsensitives C-reaktives Protein (hs-CRP) bei Patient:innen nach einem milden bis moderatem Schlaganfall über die Zeit mit depressiven Symptomen assoziiert ist und ob es einen Unterschied bezüglich der Ausprägung bei Männern und Frauen gibt. Methoden: Wir rekrutierten Patient:innen mit einem erstmaligen Schlaganfall für die Prospective Cohort with Incident Stroke Berlin (NCT01363856). Die depressive Symptomlast der Patient:innen wurde mit dem validierten CES-D (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale) Fragebogen an insgesamt drei Beobachtungszeitpunkten über drei Jahre erfasst, wobei ein CES-D über dem Schwellenwert von 16 Punkten auf eine klinisch signifikante Depression hindeutet. Einflussfaktoren wurden systematisch mit directed acyclic graphs (DAG) identifiziert und für die adjustierten Berechnungen genutzt. Den Zusammenhang von hs-CRP zu CES-D Werten an den einzelnen Jahren berechneten wir mit einem linearen Modell. Mit gemischten linearen Modellen berechneten wir die Effektstärke von hs-CRP auf CES-D Werten über drei Jahre und in den Subgruppenanalysen berechneten wir zusätzlich, ob 1) eine Dosis-Wirkungsbeziehung von hs-CRP zu den CES-D Werten über die Zeit vorliegt 2) sich die Effektstärke von subklinischen hs-CRP (< 10 mg/l) zu CES-D Werten über die Zeit unterscheidet 3) ergänzende Störfaktoren das Modell verbessern. In allen Analysen inkludierten wir einen Interaktionsterm, um einen Unterschied zwischen den Geschlechtern zu identifizieren. Ergebnisse: Wir analysierten 585 Patient:innen mit einem mildem bis moderatem ischämischem Schlaganfall. Die Patient:innen waren durchschnittlich 67 (SD 13) Jahre alt, 39 % waren weiblich und der mediane NIHSS Score betrug 3 (IQR 1 -4). Im ersten Jahr gaben 20% der Teilnehmenden einen CES-D Wert von ≥ 16 an. Im zweiten Jahr waren es 21% und im dritten Jahr 17%. In unserem linear gemischten Modell waren höhere log-transformierten hs-CRP Level mit höheren CES-D Werten assoziiert (β=1,28; (95% CI, 0,22–2,34)). Für Frauen bestätigt sich diese Assoziation in der Interaktionsanalyse (β=2,33; (95% CI, 0,71–3,95)) und allen Subgruppenanalysen. Schlussfolgerung: In unserer Kohorte von Patient:innen mit mildem bis moderatem erstmaligem ischämischen Schlaganfall zeigen sich erhöhte hochsensitive C-reaktives Protein Level bei Studieneinschluss mit höheren depressiven Symptomen über drei Jahre assoziiert und werden durch die Subgruppenanalysen bestätigt. In den Interaktionsanalyse konnten wir zeigen, dass sich diese Assoziation insbesondere für Frauen nachweisen lässt.
Weniger anzeigenMechanosensors convert physical stimuli into chemical signals, influencing numerous biological processes and disease mechanisms. This thesis establishes a benchmark system for controlling mechanosensitive ion channels using light. The mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL), activated by membrane tension, was reconstituted in membranes containing the photoswitchable lipid AzoPC. AzoPC, an azobenzene-modified phospholipid, generates membrane tension when exposed to blue or UV light. The photolipid’s light-induced tension was studied using Langmuir-Blodgett troughs, polarized FTIR spectroscopy, and DFT simulations. MscL reconstituted in various systems, including liposomes and nanodiscs with AzoPC, exhibited reversible backbone movement under light-induced tension, gating the channel to an intermediate state. This work lays the groundwork for light-controlled mechanosensitive ion channels, advancing fundamental biology and therapeutic tool development.
Weniger anzeigenZiel der vorliegenden Studie war es, die Effekte pflanzlicher Proteinquellen in Futtermischungen mit und ohne Getreideanteile auf die scheinbare Verdaulichkeit der Nährstoffe, die fäkalen mikrobiellen Metabolite, die Mikrobiota sowie Harn- und Blutparameter bei Hunden zu untersuchen. In dieser Studie wurden 10 Beagles mit Diäten gefüttert, die entweder Geflügel- oder Leguminosenprotein (Erbsen- und Bohnenkonzentrat) sowie alternativ Weizen oder Quinoa enthielten. Das Studiendesign folgte einem Cross-Over-Design mit einem drei-faktoriellen Aufbau (Kohlenhydratquelle, Proteinquelle und -konzentration). Die Proteinkonzentrationen waren bedarfsdeckend oder auf das 1,5-fache erhöht. Nach einer dreiwöchigen Anpassungsphase wurden Kot-, Urin- und Blutproben entnommen und analysiert, um die Verdaulichkeit der Nährstoffe sowie die Konzentration von Mengen- und Spurenelementen zu bestimmen. Zusätzlich wurden in den Kotproben bakterielle Metabolite und die Zusammensetzung der intestinalen Mikrobiota analysiert. Das Blut wurde auf hämatologische und klinische Parameter sowie Aminosäurekonzentrationen untersucht. Der Urin wurde auf Anionen, Kationen und die Zusammensetzung analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass pflanzliche Proteine eine höhere scheinbare Verdaulichkeit aufwiesen als tierische Proteine. Die Diäten mit Weizen und Geflügelmehl hatten die niedrigste scheinbare Proteinverdaulichkeit, während die Diätvarianten Quinoa in Kombination mit Erbsen und Bohnen und sowie Weizen mit dem 1,5-fachen Gehalt an pflanzlichen Proteinquellen die höchste scheinbare Verdaulichkeit aufwiesen. Für die Verdaulichkeit von Kalium, Magnesium und Natrium hatte der unterschiedliche Mineralstoffgehalt in den acht Diäten einen Einfluss. Die Verdaulichkeit der Mengenelemente Calcium, Phosphor, Magnesium und Natrium sowie der Spurenelemente Kupfer und Zink war nicht eindeutig durch die Diäten beeinflusst. Diäten mit tierischen Proteinen sowie die proteinreichen Rationsvarianten erhöhten die Ammoniumkonzentration in den Fäzes. Weizenhaltige Diäten erhöhten die fäkalen D- und L-Laktat-Konzentrationen, mit Ausnahme der weizenhaltigen Diäten in Kombination mit Geflügelmehl. Diäten mit Quinoa führten zu erhöhten Konzentrationen von Phenol und Indol im Kot. Der Einsatz tierischer Proteine und eine erhöhte Proteinkonzentration führten zu höheren fäkalen Konzentrationen von i-Buttersäure und i-Valeriansäure. Diätvariationen mit Quinoa erhöhten hingegen die Konzentrationen von Essigsäure, Propionsäure, i-Buttersäure, i-Valeriansäure sowie den Gesamtgehalt an kurzkettigen Fettsäuren. Die Proteinquellen beeinflussten die bakterielle Diversität im Hundekot, wobei tierische Proteine die höchste Diversität der fäkalen Mikrobiota und einen Anstieg der Fusobakterien verursachten. Pflanzliche Proteine begünstigten hingegen das relative Vorkommen von Actinobacterium spp. Diäten auf Basis von Geflügelmehl führten zu einem Anstieg des Vorkommens von Fusobacterium, Peptoclostridium und Sellimonas spp., während Diäten, die pflanzliche Proteine enthielten, ein erhöhtes relatives Vorkommen von Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus und Prevotella spp. bewirkten. Ein Anstieg des relativen Vorkommens der Genera Peptoclostridium und Streptococcus wurde durch eine erhöhte Proteinzufuhr beobachtet. Die pH-Werte im Urin waren bei Hunden, die mit Weizen und Geflügelprotein gefüttert wurden, niedriger (5,73 bis 6,30) als bei Hunden, die mit Quinoa gefüttert wurden (7,20 bis 7,47). Die Konzentrationen von Phosphat, Citrat und Struvit im Urin waren von dem Proteingehalt und der Proteinquelle der Diäten abhängig. Ein höherer Proteingehalt führte zu geringeren Phosphatkonzentrationen, während Citrat und die RSS-Werte für Struvit trotz signifikanter Effekte variabel blieben. Die in den Diäten enthaltenen Erbsen und Bohnen bewirkten eine relative Übersättigung mit Struvit. Die Proteinquellen führten nur zu geringfügigen Veränderungen der hämatologischen Parameter, während die Serumharnstoff- und Albuminkonzentrationen signifikant durch den Proteingehalt in den Diäten beeinflusst wurden. Bei der Verwendung von Quinoa in den Diäten stieg die Aktivität der Alanin-Aminotransferase im Serum der Hunde im Vergleich zur Fütterung einer weizenhaltigen Diät signifikant an. Zudem wurden höhere Bilirubinkonzentrationen im Serum beobachtet. Die Aktivität der alkalischen Phosphatase im Serum erhöhte sich bei der Fütterung von Quinoa im Vergleich zu den weizenhaltigen Diätvariationen (p=0,030). Die Aktivität der alkalischen Phosphatase war niedriger, wenn proteinreichere Diäten verfüttert wurden. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Studie, dass sowohl pflanzliche Protein-quellen als auch Quinoa als sogenanntes Pseudogetreide in der Hundeernährung verwendet werden können. Nach den vorliegenden Untersuchungen hat sich ein moderater Proteingehalt als günstig für Hunde erwiesen, da dies zu weniger Proteinabbauprodukten führt, die potenziell nachteilige Auswirkungen auf den Organismus haben können.
Weniger anzeigenThe dissertation argues for a new understanding of the concept of sufficiency in arguments for justice and applies this new understanding to the educational justice debate. The first three chapters of the dissertation explain the way that sufficiency has been understood in recent debates about justice and argue against this usage and for a new understanding of sufficiency. The last two chapters argue that this new understanding of sufficiency improves our understanding of educational adequacy for democratic citizenship in debates about educational justice.
Weniger anzeigenThe effects of climate change are becoming more frequent and extreme; effects such as droughts, floods, heat and cold waves are putting the lives of millions of people at risk. The main contributor to climate change is the use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas;1 hence, there is a need to replace that source of energy with renewable energy. Solar energy is the third most used renewable energy, after hydropower and wind energy. The material that is mostly used for solar cells is silicon due to its high efficiency and stability; however, its production is expensive and highly energy-consuming. In the last years, other materials2,3 have risen to offer a more sustainable approach, but despite their many advantages, they cannot compete in terms of efficiency. Hybrid halide perovskites (HHPs) have drawn the attention of the scientific community, not only for their steep increase in power conversion efficiency during the last decade, up to 26.7%4 in 2024 but also for using low-cost solution-based processing methods. Despite their popularity, it is not yet fully understood what the formation mechanism of HHPs is. This work aims to bring more clarity on how HHPs form from solution, focusing on how the solvent used interacts with the precursors before the perovskite is formed. For this reason, the precursor solution of MAPbI3 (MA= CH3NH3) was studied with 4 common solvents used to produce perovskite layers: γ-butyrolactone (GBL), N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and mixtures thereof. Furthermore, since HHPs present changes in the bandgap when the composition is modified,5 the effect of substituting I- for Br- and Cl- and substituting MA+ for FA+ (HC(NH2)2) and alkali metals (Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+) was studied as well. Small angle X-ray scattering was the method of choice to investigate the precursor solutions since it can determine the size, shape, interaction, and average distance between the scattering objects in solutions in the range of 0.5 – 100 nm. The results obtained from SAXS can be explained by a core-shell model, where the core is a [PbI6], which can be arranged as a single octahedron or as a corner-sharing octahedra and the shell is formed by randomly oriented solvent molecules. When the A-cation is molecular (FA+, MA+), it has no influence on the arrangement of the scattering objects, but when the A-cation is inorganic, the [PbI6] octahedra of adjacent scattering objects are surrounded by a solvent shell with molecules or by an A-cation shell. The results from SAXS showed higher polydispersity in the samples with an inorganic A-cation, which is in agreement with the proposed model. Changing the I- for Br- favours the single octahedron arrangement in the core, whereas when Cl- is used as a halide, there is no evidence of agglomeration in the precursor solution.
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